Although clean water is incredibly inexpensive and necessary to live in, there are still billions of people who don’t have access to it. There are many causes of this problem, from lack of funding to government corruption and everything in between. However, there are steps you can take to make a difference in this situation and provide clean water for people who don’t have it yet. Here are some ideas on how you can help people get clean water.
What causes unclean water?
Diseases caused by unclean water
How much does unclean water cost?
Is your donation tax-deductible?
While many donations are tax-deductible, it’s important to check before you give. Make sure you’re donating directly through a nonprofit organization—donations made directly through a person or company may not be eligible for a tax deduction. To check whether your donation is tax-deductible, contact your financial advisor or your local IRS office and refer to Publication 526. The IRS website also has helpful information about charitable giving and deductions. Alternatively, you can use a service like Charity Navigator, which provides free ratings of charities based on their finances and transparency. Consider sharing: Donating money isn’t your only option! Donating household items like clothing or books can be an easy way to help out those in need without spending extra cash.